Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Small Pills of Knowledge

I have been reading quite a lot about Just-in-Time Learning. Yesterday, I read something about a product that offers 15-20 minutes of online learning stuff on General Soft Skills like Time Managment, Being Organized, Team Handling etc. I am just wondering whether skills enhancement is possible through these small modules, which are available online and learner has the flexibility of going through these any time.

Organizations may want to have these as refereshers post Instructor-led Trainings on these skills. One of the biggest advantage is that these can be hosted on any LMS or Intranet and can be beneficial for organizations with a big team and less time and budget for Instructor-led Trainings.

Also, the quality of content was good as it was written by authors who are experts in that particular subject matter. The content is also supported by Visuals to reinforce learning.

Trying to explore more on this.....Will get back!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Davinder...the article was can have a more impressing heading such as Rx: Mini Knowledge Pills
